Our Mission

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Our mission is to provide education and outreach to address the needs of youth, adults and seniors in the metro Louisville community with special emphasis on the Cane Run/Shagbark community. A holistic approach will be used to develop and implement programs to address issues that disproportionately affect high-risk and disadvantaged populations within the community including youth development, education, research and service.

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Calendar of Events

Give Local Louisville is your way to donate to us!

How do we offer awesome summer programs and leadership opportunities to Louisville and surrounding youth? Through YOUR generous donations, of course! We'll be counting on you to donate on October 1st. It's only one day, but your amount could really make a difference in the life of a child for the entire summer...and an impact for their life!

Until then, you may send your donations directly to 3500 Shanks Lane, Louisville, KY  40216.

Call us at (502) 449-3677 if you have any questions or concerns.


Carol Frame is our BLOCStar External Coach!

"As a BLOCStar External Coach for Highland Park CDC, I am not surprised that the children were able to accomplish such a challenging task. This out of school time program is all about meeting and exceeding challenges to develop leaders.

My task is to support the program in quality improvement. In the process, I have learned how they are making a difference in the lives of many high-risk children and youth in the Cane Run/Shagbark Community..."